Monday, December 21, 2009

Different day

This evening I really didn't feel like writing a blog. But after reading comments again from the past, I feel I need to.

There really isn't anything different to comment on.

I did run a few errands today, or I should say DROVE a few errands.
A few with my FAVORITE daughter! Oh how I love her! And today she greeted me with a most beautiful smile! Made my day! My year!!!

I stopped by the post office to check my P.O. box. As I walked in, there was a sign that said FREE BACK MASSAGE! A massage company had set up a few chairs & were offering massages in light of stress at the post office (maybe to keep the post office employees from going POSTAL!)

I had awakened with a sore back & decided to take advantage of the offer. It was delightful!

Late this afternoon, I climbed in bed, exhausted. I thought I want to call my Mom to come spend some time with me. As I reached for the phone, I heard her angelic voice just entering my house! She is AMAZING! She came & laid by my side - held my hand - and we just talked & rested. Life doesn't get better than that!

Tonight I had the opportunity of having 3 of the 4 families I am supposed to home teach each month (but have not been diligent at it) come over to my house. In a very selfish move I asked them to come to me to be taught! My home teaching partner prepared a most touching Christmas story & his dear sweet wife had brought freshly made cinnamon rolls. DANG if only home teaching could be like this each month! The spirit was strong. I was lifted up a bit.

It is now time to call it an evening. Go upstairs & spend some quiet, quality time with my dear sweet wife that is forever being of service to my needs - little or great!

Good night Friends!!!
I love you each!!!



  1. And I enjoyed our conversation tonight. We don't have to be strong every minute of our trials. As long as we never doubt who's in charge and do our best to trust that plan. And that is exactly what you are doing. Love you, my brother.

  2. Good night my brother. And I love you too.

  3. I thought of you as I waited twenty minutes in line at the post office. Wondered if I should file a complaint because there was no free back rub.

    Actually, I thought of you all day.

    Love you.

  4. I thought of you all day long. I usually do. I love you lots, my brother. Let me know when you need another head massage.

  5. Hi Jim...You said that you got a massage at the post office,you didn't say that you were going to be in the paper. You're famous! I cut out the picture and will give it to you if you would like another copy. I really enjoyed our Home Teaching get together last night. Thanks for having us over.

  6. Hey Louise, I could use a massage. LOL

  7. I shoveled our driveway, I could use a massage!
